Pensacola Minor In Possession Lawyer

If you are under the age of 21, drinking any alcoholic beverage or having one in your possession is unlawful, and if you facing possession charges as a minor, you need an aggressive Pensacola minor in possession lawyer on your side. You should also note that adults who sell alcohol to those under 21 or allow an underage party at their home can also face criminal charges. Many assume penalties for underage drinking are no big deal, but this is simply not the case. The minor in possession laws in Florida are strict. You need to consult a skilled criminal defense lawyer who knows the local courts and how they operate. Contact The Law Office of James M. Burns today to learn more about minor in possession charges and how our firm can help you fight them.

Pensacola Minor in Possession Lawyer | Protecting Accused Minors

Escambia County criminal defense lawyer James M. Burns is based in Pensacola and defends clients across Gulf Coast communities located in Escambia and Baldwin counties. He may be able to obtain a case dismissal or deferred adjudication that avoids a court appearance and keeps the charges off your record. He has almost two decades of criminal law experience and can find the best possible resolution based on your goals.

Penalties for Minor in Possession Charges in FL

Deterrence is the underlying policy, which means that the maximum penalties will likely surprise you. If you are charged with underage possession of alcohol, you will most likely face the following penalties:

  • A first offense is a second-degree misdemeanor with a potential stay in jail up to 60 days and a fine of $500.
  • A second offense converts the charge to a first-degree misdemeanor, which carries up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
  • Being caught with a fake ID is even more serious and could result in a felony charge
  • Driver’s license suspension is another consequence that can range from six months to two years.

Learn whether and how you might be able to limit the damage or clear your criminal record of a prior conviction. Reach out to an experienced criminal defense attorney at once.

Contact a Pensacola Minor in Possession Lawyer

Were you or your child arrested or given a Notice To Appear after partying on the beach or at a friend’s home? We cannot stress enough the importance of fast action. Frequently, there are options available to minimize the penalties. Schedule a free initial consultation with Pensacola minor in possession lawyer James M. Burns by calling (251) 483-1440, or simply contact our firm online today.

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I’ve talked with so many attorneys over the past month about my case but Mr. Burns Is THE most wonderful person that I’ve...


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611 N New Warrington Rd #2

Pensacola, FL 32506

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